
Wednesday, May 18, 2011



 Yesterday, I mentioned, my friends at Applegate Farm sent me coupons! 
I asked for help on what to do... and thank you for all that commented!!!! :) 
Here is what I decided to do... 
The next 4 Fridays I will giveaway $10 off to 8 lucky readers! 
2 Lucky Readers the next for Fridays will win $10! 
I will also give 2 lucky Facebook followers $10. 

For your chance to win this weeks $10 coupons here is what you have to do!

1.) Follow the blog. Already officially do? Comment that you are a follower!
2.) Follow the blog on Facebook.  Already officially do? Comment again that you are a follower!
3.) BLOG, Tweet, Facebook it. JUST Share with your friends. Comment that you did so and send me the link! 
4.) Visit Applegate Farms website and look around! Learn about the company and their AWESOME product! Comment that you did so and let me know what your favorite Applegate product is! 

There you have it, 6 simple ways to win!!!! Make sure you use all 6 ways to up your chances and comment separately for each option!!!

I will draw the first 2 winners Friday and post on the blog!!!!

Recipe to come later this afternoon... If I get time! :) 


  1. Hey Lindsey! This giveaway is perfect for me! Why? I buy Applegate Farms 100% Grass-Fed Beef hot dogs on a regular basis!!!

    I am a fan of your facebook page and I just tweeted this post: Check out this giveway - win $10 in coupons from applegate farms! I am a huge fan fo there grass-fed beef hot dogs!

    I am a rss subscriber too. So, how man entries is that? 5?

  2. I am stalking, errr...following you here and facebook and posted on my blog linking to your blog giveaway. I love Applegate Farms- I don't feel as guilty giving my son hotdogs because of them!

  3. Hi! Thanks for the giveaway!! I love Applegate Farms bacon...yum!

    I subscribe through google reader too!

  4. Hi Lindsey! this is an awesome opportunity, thank you!! i follow your blog like it's my religion :) and would love the chance to receive your generous give-a-way. i really love most applegate farms products but i am absolutely obsessed with the fire roasted red pepper chicken and turkey sausages, so delicious in my moring scramble!!

  5. Facebook Follower

  6. I just became a follower! Yay!

  7. Just visited the Applegate site and the deli meat looks great. My kids would love this. Also, love the hot dogs without the nitrates.

  8. I follow your blog in google reader.

  9. I love their organic grass fed beef hotdogs. The only hotdogs I will feed my family. But they are so expensive, they are a rare treat- I would love a coupon!

  10. Love your blog! Thank you for throwing this giveaway!


  11. This would be awesome to win! I follow your blog and went to Applegate's website! Thanks!

  12. I also follow/like your FB page as well :)

  13. Tweeted this giveaway:!/hattorizen

  14. I'm a fan of Applegate Farms products and my favorite is the roast beef :D

  15. GRASS-FED BEEF HOTDOGS ROCK MY WORLD... THAT'S RIGHT; ROCK IT!!!! I CAN SERIOUSLY EAT THE WHOLE PACKAGE IN ONE SITTING... wait a second... more like in one STANDING because well... they're so good I cannot even WAIT to sit and eat them! lol. Such a pig, but hey, those hot dogs hardly make me feel like a pig because they're so healthy and you know what.. just so dang good! I am so happy I found them! :)

  16. I follow the blog, I follow on Fb, I looked around Applegate Farms sight, and my favorite product is alot of things, chicken nuggets, meunster cheese, and all the lunch meats!

  17. So, does this mean I don't have to be ashamed of eating a crispy blackened hotdog straight off the grill. Not if it's a grassfed Applegate Farms organic hotdog! It's not summer with out one, or two, or three...and now I'm following you, and Applegate Farms on aol,facebook,twitter and so forth I can get my hands on all sorts of great healthy recipes. Crockpot baked beans with bacon, yes please!

    This contest was meant for me and my foodie family! Crossing my fingers and my toes!
