
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sweet and Spicy and Salty Almond Butter

Our week away was WONDERFUL! We enjoyed R&R with our boys and my family. 

 I feel like I spent 75% (if not more) of my time eating. We were up early every morning. We saw EVERY sun rise (5:30-6). Our days were spent the in the pool, laying around, or hanging out on the beach. 

We only had one clock in the house with the right time. We NEVER knew what time it was. I often found myself wondering around the kitchen looking for something to snack on. We had a large bag of Almonds. I snacked on them -- along with other not-so-healthy snacks. I craved Almond Butter the entire week. I was going to make some but I did not have a food processor and the blender was in use for other things. 

So -- Monday morning I made some delicious Almond Butter Cabo Style.

I roasted a batch of Almonds with Molasses at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. As I was mixing the Almonds in my processor (in the garage) I added about 1 tsp Mexican Vanilla and 1 - 2 tsp Chili Powder. After 15 minutes of blending --- I tasted!!!! I enjoyed! 

It was AWWWWESOME!  I only made a small batch of this mixture because I was afraid it would not turn out right and I would waste Almond Butter. I think a small batch was perfect. Just enough to enjoy but not too much I don't get through it all. 

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