
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cocoa Quinoa with Almond Butter and Cocoa Bliss

I am still striving on my limited Gluten intake. 

I struggle in the mornings. Gluten or no Gluten I struggle. I do not like eating eggs every single morning and that is my "go-to" breakfast. I do love eating oatmeal but I have yet to purchased Gluten-Free Oatmeal. 

This was a mistake. A good mistake, no a great one!!!!

I was planning on pre-making Quinoa for dinner but added a little too much Chili Powder or maybe it was Cayenne but there was a kick to this. I decided to add the Cocoa Bliss and Almond Butter in hopes that they would take care of heat and it did!!!! I topped my Cocoa Bliss Quinoa with Raisins. 

The Ingredients:
1/2 cup Quinoa
1 cup
2 tsp Artisana Cocoa Bliss
1/8-1/4 tsp Chili Powder
1/8-1/4 tsp Cayenne
2 TBSP Almond Butter
1/2 cup Raisins
1 Cinnamon Stick

The Directions:
In the rice cooker add Quinoa, Cocoa Bliss, Chili Powder, Cayenne, and Cinnamon Stick. Stir all ingredients and begin the cooking process.

When cooking is complete add Almond Butter right into the rice cooker and mix.

Top with Raisins!!! Walnuts would be really good too!


  1. What is cocoa bliss? This sounds tasty, but I'd go with cranberries over raisins. yum! :)


  2. Here is a link on Cocoa Bliss!

  3. Cocoa bliss looks tasty! I have all the CB ingredients; I think I'll make my own!

  4. Thanks Allie!

    Let me know what you think!! Also - Let me know how your CB turns out! ENJOY!!!!
