
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One Lovely Blog Award - Part 2

A couple of weeks ago I posted that Be Joyful Always for nominated my blog, Enjoying Healthy Foods for One Lovely Blog.

I originally posted my top 9 blogs and forgot until now to add the final 6 of my nominations.

Since I've received this award, I've been given the opportunity to nominate more blogs for this award. And there are guidelines for accepting this award:
  1. Accept the award, by posting it on your blog with the name of the person's blog (and his/her blog link) who granted you with the award.
  2. Nominate fifteen blogs that you have newly discovered, and contact those bloggers to let them know.
My favorite 15 newly (and not so newly) discovered are:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the nomination Lindsey! What an amazing group of bloggers to be included in - I'm honored. :)
